Dr. Neko's Lab - Guestbook
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Name: Spartan
Name: Spartan
Dear Dr Neko, There's something I want to Ask you about megaman X7 4Koma, Due to the information of the book was 128 Pages, while the 4Koma you scan around 28 pages.
If you don't mind can I see all the 128 pages? don't need to translate all, just the raw one please?
I really want it badly...It's hard to find it
I don't know if you read my Comment. But it worth to try...
Thank you for reading this and sorry to bother you..
Dear Dr Neko, There's something I want to Ask you about megaman X7 4Koma, Due to the information of the book was 128 Pages, while the 4Koma you scan around 28 pages.
If you don't mind can I see all the 128 pages? don't need to translate all, just the raw one please?
I really want it badly...It's hard to find it

I don't know if you read my Comment. But it worth to try...
Thank you for reading this and sorry to bother you..

Added: May 18, 2015
Hey! Just thought I'd drop in and sign this, just in case you ever check this thing once in a while. I just wanted to let you know that I've followed this site for years, especially since I discovered you have such a great translation going on for the Rockman X manga done by Iwamoto. I keep checking back in hopes that'll be finally finished. I just wonder if something is holding up progress. Could it be you can't get in touch with your translator anymore? Did either of you just get caught up on worldly things and just not have enough time to do it? I hope it's still in your plans to scanlate the rest of X1 and then also X2, maybe even X3 and X4. At the very least, it would be nice to see some kind of update from you so those of us still loyal will know what's been going on. Until then, or until an update, whichever comes first, I will faithfully check back on this site occasionally. Hope you have a Merry Christmas this year, and hope to hear from you soon!
Hey! Just thought I'd drop in and sign this, just in case you ever check this thing once in a while. I just wanted to let you know that I've followed this site for years, especially since I discovered you have such a great translation going on for the Rockman X manga done by Iwamoto. I keep checking back in hopes that'll be finally finished. I just wonder if something is holding up progress. Could it be you can't get in touch with your translator anymore? Did either of you just get caught up on worldly things and just not have enough time to do it? I hope it's still in your plans to scanlate the rest of X1 and then also X2, maybe even X3 and X4. At the very least, it would be nice to see some kind of update from you so those of us still loyal will know what's been going on. Until then, or until an update, whichever comes first, I will faithfully check back on this site occasionally. Hope you have a Merry Christmas this year, and hope to hear from you soon!
Added: December 21, 2012
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