Mega Man X4 Movie Archive

Welcome to my Mega Man X4 movie section. These are movies I made from Mega Man X4 for the Sony Playstation. Enjoy your stay!
Mega Man X4: Opening

This opening shows all the major character of the game. However, the music isn't as great as the Japanese version. Other than that, the animation of the characters are great!
- Real Audio
- Duration: 1:30
- Display: 320 x 240
- Size: 3.13MB
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Mega Man X4: Zero VS Colonel

Here's a fighting scene between Zero and Colonel. Iris steps in to break the fight. Not fair! I had my money on Zero!
- Real Audio
- Duration: 1:21
- Display: 320 x 240
- Size: 2.81MB
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Mega Man X4: Death of Iris

Iris is dying and Zero hurries to check out her condition. Some of you might find this scene sad since Zero nearly breaks down into tears, or relieved about the fate of Iris. ;-)
- Real Audio
- Duration: 1:06
- Display: 320 x 240
- Size: 2.30MB
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Mega Man X4: Zero VS Sigma

I got a lot of e-mail requesting for this movie. Here's the US version of Zero VS Sigma. This is one the best fighting scenes yet. This one is about Sigma fighting Zero. This video reveals a little secret of Zero, and we all know what the trademark "W" is. ;-)
- Real Audio
- Duration: 3:37
- Display: 320 x 176
- Size: 7.46MB
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Mega Man X4: X's Ending

Here's the ending of Mega Man X4. I won't spoil what's going on, so you'll have to download to see what's going on. Please don't e-mail me about X's voice...He does sound a whole lot better in the Japanese version. You might want to check it out here.
- Real Audio
- Duration: 1:29
- Display: 320 x 240
- Size: 3.08MB
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Mega Man X4: Zero's Ending

The US version of Zero's ending. Again, I won't say much to spoil the ending.
- Real Audio
- Duration: 1:10
- Display: 320 x 240
- Size: 2.24MB
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