Rock Man X6 Movie Archive

Welcome to my Rock Man X6 movie section. I was amazed how soon this game came out after Rock Man X5, and can't believe it took a little more than a week for the American version to be released. However, the entire game was a rush job; the level designs were horrific, numerous grammar errors, etc.
Rock Man X6: Opening

At last, Rock Man X6 Opening moive! Although this isn't fully hand drawn animated, but it's decent. Not a spoiler since it summarizes X5 and gives a small teaser of what's happening in X6. Enjoy!
- Format: Real Audio
- Duration: 1:47
- Display: 320 x 240
- Size: 2.92MB
- Download
Rock Man X6: Tokyo Game Expo Presentation

This is a neat teaser movie of Rock Man X6 that was shown on Tokyo Game Show public presentation. It showed X in varies levels using his Falcon armor and saber!
Rock Man X6: Commercial

Finally, a nother Japanese commerial! This one reminds me of the Rock Man X2 commercial, but only this one is far better! Love the animation! This is a must see!
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